Gaurella, Chattisgarh
Our fellow Priti Manjhi, hailing from Gaurella, Chhattisgarh, is deeply committed to political activism and the pursuit of justice. Priti has completed her bachelor's degree in nursing and is currently pursuing a master's degree in nursing. Influenced by her grandfather and father, Priti's goal is to serve her tribe, which inspired her academic path in nursing. However, her activism began in school, where she organized protests and marches, advocating for girls deprived of educational opportunities. Priti, like many tribal women in her village, has been a victim of caste-based discrimination and harassment. She explores social media to expose the atrocities committed against tribals by upper castes. Her mission includes bringing infrastructural development to her flood-prone village and ensuring access to essential amenities such as roads and healthcare. Driven by her dedication to her community, Priti entered active politics to represent her people. Her political endeavors have taken her from Gaurella to Delhi. However, she has faced numerous challenges that women, especially those from Adivasi communities, encounter within the political system. Priti views the Indira Fellowship as a platform for women to spearhead a political revolution. She is determined to bring tribal issues to the forefront in mainstream media, where their voices are often marginalized. Priti Manjhi's perseverance and dedication establish her as a powerful advocate for social justice and a leading voice for tribal rights in India.
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